SPI_push man page on Solaris

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SPI_push()		PostgreSQL 8.1.19 Documentation		    SPI_push()

       SPI_push - push SPI stack to allow recursive SPI usage

       void SPI_push(void)

       SPI_push should be called before executing another procedure that might
       itself wish to use SPI.	After SPI_push, SPI is no longer in  a	``con‐
       nected''	 state, and SPI function calls will be rejected unless a fresh
       SPI_connect is done. This ensures a clean separation between your  pro‐
       cedure's	 SPI  state  and that of another procedure you call. After the
       other procedure returns, call SPI_pop to restore access to your own SPI

       Note that SPI_execute and related functions automatically do the equiv‐
       alent of SPI_push before passing control	 back  to  the	SQL  execution
       engine,	so  it is not necessary for you to worry about this when using
       those functions.	 Only when you are  directly  calling  arbitrary  code
       that  might contain SPI_connect calls do you need to issue SPI_push and

				  2009-12-09			    SPI_push()

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