log(8)log(8)NAMElog - Records input and output from a program
/usr/sbin/log <logfile> <command>
The file in which to record the interaction being logged. The command
to execute.
The log program runs <command> and logs the input to and output from
<command> to the <logfile> file. Input and output are logged until
<command> exits, the log program exits, and the exit status of <com‐
mand> is returned.
The log program is used by the system installation procedure and the
it(8) command to create the /var/adm/smlogs/install.log and
/var/adm/smlogs/it.log installation log files.
Because the log program is used in the installation standalone environ‐
ment, program size was the greatest concern in its implementation. The
log program does not search for the PATH variable to locate <command>
and error messages are terse.
The log program causes <command> to take standard input from and write
standard output and standard error to UNIX pipes. Some commands will
not be able to operate in this environment; therefore, it is suggested
that you use the script(1) command instead. UNIX shells will not issue
prompts when run from log unless the shell is started with an explicit
interactive switch (-i for most shells). For example, log foo.tmp
/sbin/sh -i
In the previous example, foo.tmp is the name of <logfile>.
The log program intercepts end-of-file (usually Ctrl/d). Therefore
programs which normally receive end-of-file as an exit command must
exit by some other means.
Log open error
The log program was unable to open <logfile>. Verify that the
directory exists and that ownerships and permissions are set
correctly. Exec Error
The log program was unable to execute <command>. Verify that you
specified a full pathname for <command> and that <command> is an
executable file. Fork Error
The log program was unable to create one of the processes it
requires to log data.
Commands: it(8), script(1)log(8)