SgArc(3X)SgArc(3X)NAMESgArc — Arc widget designed for use with SgGraph.
#include <Xm/Xm.h> #include <Sgm/Graph.h> #include <Sgm/Arc.h>
This page documents the version of Sgm that accompanies Motif 1.2.
The SgArc widget is a special widget that resembles a gadget in that it
has no window of its own. It draws in the window of the SgGraph widget,
with cooperation of the Graph widget. The Arc widget can only be used
with the Graph widget. An arc may be undirected, directed, or bidi‐
The Arc widget inherits behavior from the Core widget class.
Its class pointer is sgArcWidgetClass
Its class name is SgArc.
The Arc widget defines a set of resource types used by the programmer
to specify the data for the arc. These resources are used to set
attributes for arcs when specifying node parent-child relationships.
The following table contains the set of resources defined by the Arc
widget. To specify any of these resources within the .Xdefaults file,
simply drop the XmN prefix from the resource name.
SgArc Resource Set
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNto XmCTo XmRPointer NULL CSG
XmNfrom XmCFrom XmRPointer NULL CSG
XmNtoPosition XmCPosition XmRShort 50 CSG
XmNfromPosition XmCPosition XmRShort 50 CSG
XmNfromSide XmCSide XmRShort XmRIGHT CSG
XmNtoSide XmCSide XmRShort XmLEFT CSG
XmNarcDirection XmCDirection XmRArcDirection XmDIRECTED CSG
XmNforeground XmCForeground Pixel "Black" CSG
XmNhighlight XmCHighlight Boolean "False" CSG
XmNfontList XmCFontList FontList "Fixed "
XmNlabelString XmCXmString XmString dynamic CSG
XmNmapLabel XmCBoolean Boolean "FALSE" CSG
XmNarcWidth XmCArcWidth int 0 CSG
XmNstyle XmCStyle int LineSolid CSG
XmNcapStyle XmCapStyle int CapButt CSG
XmNdashes XmCDashes int 4 CSG
XmNdashOffset XmCDashOffset int 0 CSG
XmNarmCallback XmCCallback Pointer NULL C
XmNdisarmCallback XmCCallback Pointer NULL C
XmNactivateCallback XmCCallback Pointer NULL C
XmNatribute XmCAttribute Atom NULL C
XmNuserData XmCUserData Pointer NULL CSG
XmNto The widget this arc points to.
The widget this arc points from.
The width, in pixels, of the line drawn for the arc. Zero means
to draw using the server's fastest algorithm with a line width
of one pixel.
Specifies whether the line is solid in foreground, dashed in
foreground, or alternating foreground and background. Possible
values are LineSolid (the default), LineOnOffDash, or LineDou‐
Controls the appearance of the ends of a line. This characteris‐
tic affects the ends of lines drawn in dashes, and both ends of
each dash in some cases. Possible values are CapNotLast, CapButt
(the default), CapRound, and CapProjecting.
Specifies the length of the dashes for custom-designed dashed
lines. The default (4) is equivalent to the list {4,4} (a dash
of 4 pixels, followed by a space of 4 pixels).
Specifies the starting point of the dash pattern, from the par‐
ent node, for dashed lines.
This resource specifies a compound string which will be dis‐
played with the arc, if the XmNmapLabel resource is true. If no
labelString is given, the widget defaults to using the widget
name as the label.
If true (the default), the label, if any, will be displayed.
If XmDIRECTED, will display an arrow head on the child end, if
XmBIDIRECTED will display an arrow head on both ends, otherwise
no arrow head is displayed.
Color in which the arc and its label will be drawn.
Font used to write the label with when XmNmapLabel is true.
These callbacks are equivalent to the pushbutton callbacks of
the same name.
If the parent graph widget's XmNdrawMode resource is set to
XmPOSITION_PROPORTIONAL, this resource determines the side of
the "from" node to which this arc is attached. Possible values
If the parent graph widget's XmNdrawMode resource is set to
XmPOSITION_PROPORTIONAL, this resource determines the position
of the arc at the point it leaves the "from" node. Values are
given in percentages of the relevant node size, and can range
from 0-100.
If the parent graph widget's XmNdrawMode resource is set to
XmPOSITION_PROPORTIONAL, this resource determines the side of
the "to" node to which this arc is attached. Possible values are
If the parent graph widget's XmNdrawMode resource is set to
XmPOSITION_PROPORTIONAL, this resource determines the position
of the arc at the point it leaves the "to" node. Values are
given in percentages of the relevant node size, and can range
from 0-100.
The following resources are inherited from the named superclasses:
Core Resource Set
Name Class Type Default Access
XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtTranslations NULL CSG
XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True G
XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap XtCopyFromParent CG
XmNdepth XmCDepth int XtCopyFromParent CG
XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG
XmNscreen XmCScreen Pointer XtCopyScreen CG
XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG
XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations NULL CSG
Callback Information
Widget SgCreateArc (graph, name, args, n_args)
XwGraphWidget graph;
char name;
ArgList args;
int n_args;
A convenience function that creates an SgArc widget named name whose
parent is graph.
Widget SgCreateAttachedArc (graph, name, from, to, args, n_args)
XwGraphWidget graph;
char name;
Widget from;
Widget to;
ArgList args;
int n_args;
SgCreateAttachedArc creates an arc from from to to with arguments args,
name name, and returns its widget ID. from and to must be node widgets
in graph. Returns NULL if not successful.
Widget SgArcGetPos (arc, x1, y1, x2, y2)
SgArcWidget arc;
Position *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2;
SgArcGetPos returns the coordinates of the endpoints of the given arc.
RELATED INFORMATIONComposite(3X), Constraint(3X), Core(3X), XmManager(3X), SgGrid(3X),