isALNUM man page on Cygwin

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ISALNUM(3)			    NEWLIB			    ISALNUM(3)

       3.1 `isalnum'--alphanumeric character predicate

	    #include <ctype.h>
	    int isalnum(int C);

       `isalnum'  is  a	 macro	which classifies ASCII integer values by table
       lookup.	It is a predicate returning non-zero for alphabetic or numeric
       ASCII  characters,  and `0' for other arguments.	 It is defined for all
       integer values.

	  You can use a compiled subroutine instead of the macro definition by
       undefining the macro using ``#undef isalnum''.

       `isalnum'  returns  non-zero if C is a letter (`a'-`z' or `A'-`Z') or a
       digit (`0'-`9').

       `isalnum' is ANSI C.

	  No OS subroutines are required.

       isalnum is part of the library.	The full documentation	for  is	 main‐
       tained as a Texinfo manual.  If info and are properly installed at your
       site, the command


       will give you access to the complete manual.

NEWLIB				  April 2010			    ISALNUM(3)

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